Transform Your Gluten Free Lifestyle
There was a time when I suffered every time I ate. Celiac Disease runs in my family, so eventually I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, and I got tested for Celiac Disease. To my surprise, my results were negative. In fact, all of the tests that I had after that were negative too. It was a frustrating time, but through the experience and journey, I learned how to better take care of myself. I learned what I needed personally to feel my best. I learned that healthy is different for everyone, and what healthy meant for me and my lifestyle. Even though I tested negative for Celiac's, I decided to eat gluten free anyway. Within days, I noticed huge results, and this helped me to continue on the journey. For me, wheat and gluten are a poison. They cause inflammation and pain in my gut, muscles and joints. They make my allergies worse and they weaken my immune system. I've decided to share what I've learned over the years to help others feel better too. If you'd like to get on the notification list for the next round of this course, you can e-mail me here.

- What's Your Story?
- Do you have a wheat/gluten sensitivities?
- Do you experience pain, inflammation or digestive distress?
- Are you feeling deprived of your favorite foods?
- Are you confused about what to eat?
- Do you know how to find hidden gluten in your food?
- Do you have a good understanding of terms like cross contamination and cross reactivity?
- Do you wonder if you should eliminate wheat and gluten from your hair and skin care?
- Do you want to feel happier, more energetic, & comfortable in your body?
I can Help! In this 5 week, on-line, self-directed course we will:
- Do a gluten free pantry make-over.
- Explore eating gluten free vs eating healthy gluten free.
- Explore ideas for healthy gluten free on-the-go.
- Shift your thoughts about what it means to live a gluten free lifestyle.
- Find foods that feel good in your body & give you energy.
- Explore how to eat more mindfully & intuitively.
- Look beyond food for nourishment to feed your body, mind & Spirit.
- Connect with food and your body in a new and different way.
- Receive healthy gluten free recipes and tips.
Here is how it works:
Each week for five weeks, you will receive a new lesson that will take you on a self-directed journey of transforming your gluten free lifestyle. You will also have the support and guidance of a Certified Health Coach who has been eating gluten free for over 15 years.
The lessons will arrive on Fridays at Noon (Eastern Time Zone) for the following week. That way, if you like, you can get a head start on the weekend.
Each week for five weeks, you will receive a new lesson that will take you on a self-directed journey of transforming your gluten free lifestyle. You will also have the support and guidance of a Certified Health Coach who has been eating gluten free for over 15 years.
The lessons will arrive on Fridays at Noon (Eastern Time Zone) for the following week. That way, if you like, you can get a head start on the weekend.
Who Should Do This?
Anyone new to eating gluten free.
Anyone who eats gluten free but still isn't feeling their best.
Anyone eating gluten free who feels like they are in a rut.
Anyone new to eating gluten free.
Anyone who eats gluten free but still isn't feeling their best.
Anyone eating gluten free who feels like they are in a rut.